I don’t know what I’m going to do once I’ve read all of Amy Harmon’s back catalog of books. I may just die having to wait for more of her gorgeous words!
As I close A Different Blue, I feel honored to have shared in the journey of Blue Echohawk. A stormy, tormented girl whose path to peace is not an easy one and will quickly reach your heart.
You want to heal her scars.
You want to shake her of her self-condemnation.
You want to open her eyes and show her just how special she is.
And so, you can’t help but feel grateful to be taken along on her journey to literal self-discovery.
In addition to all that, the slow and subtle evolution of her relationship with Wilson is pure perfection. I love a slow burning, resisted love, and Wilson and Blue had it in droves. His comfort….his guidance…his unwavering support of Blue is deeply heartwarming. And his subtle strength that he lends her when it is most needed is unbelievably touching. You know he loves her even when he refuses to acknowledge it himself.
I must also acknowledge Amy Harmon’s gift for creating a tale full of gorgeous imagery and the most fascinating history. Maybe this is the nerd in me coming out, but Amy’s historical references are so gracefully woven into the story that you end up learning in the most enjoyable way. Better than any classroom or the best of teachers.
Overall, this is an achingly beautiful story. Amy Harmon carves away Blue’s hard edges and chips away at Wilson’s restraint to create a love that fits perfectly together.

Blue Echohawk doesn’t know who she is. She doesn’t know her real name or when she was born. Abandoned at two and raised by a drifter, she didn’t attend school until she was ten years old. At nineteen, when most kids her age are attending college or moving on with life, she is just a senior in high school. With no mother, no father, no faith, and no future, Blue Echohawk is a difficult student, to say the least. Tough, hard, and overtly sexy, she is the complete opposite of the young British teacher who decides he is up for the challenge, and takes the troublemaker under his wing.
This is the story of a nobody who becomes somebody. It is the story of an unlikely friendship, where hope fosters healing and redemption becomes love. But falling in love can be hard when you don’t know who you are. Falling in love with someone who knows exactly who they are and exactly why they can’t love you back might be impossible.